DC Universe Classics Group shots
The New Gods
Darkseid and his minions
The Return of Superman (still missing Superboy though)
Teen Titans
DC Universe Classics Super Friends
Super Friends
Super Friends (expanded roster, Green Arrow only appeared in one episode)

The Super Friends!!
Challenge of the Super Friends lineup

Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show lineup
Super Friends: Galactic Guardians Lineup

The Legion of Doom!!!!

Admittedly, I forgot to use the lighter blue Black Manta from the Aquaman 2pack, since it’s closer to the original cartoon colors, then again, Bizarro is ways off from the look of the cartoon version too.
DC Universe Classics Batman Rogues gallery (2009)

DC Universe Classics Superman Rogues gallery (2009)

DC Universe Classics JSA (2009)
DC Universe Classics The Justice Society of America (2010)

DC Universe Classics JLA (2009)
From what I understand, almost, if not all, JSA members were at one time or another, members of the JLA.

JLA group shot from A different angle

DCSH/DCUC Villains (yes, I know forgot to include Amazo in this lineup.. drats! Oh well)

Classic Teen Titans
DC Universe Classics Mob shot (2009)
The big DCSH/DCUC family so far ( I count about 99 characters in that mob. )
