About Us

About BraveFortess.com

Welcome to Brave Fortress.  My name is Gold and I am a toy collector. I have been collecting since 2002.  I collect several toylines, mostly based on characters that I enjoyed during my childhood.  Bandai’s Soul of Chogokin series is my primary collecting line, mainly due to the superb engineering and high quality of the toys.

Taking photographs of my collection is one way I enjoy my hobby.  Photography helps me keep track of the little details and reminds me what I like most about a particular figure.

My collection is a mix of opened and sealed figures. While I do open most of my stuff, there are a few exceptions when it comes to Western figures.

I am by no means an expert writer, so I don’t have lengthy paragraphs or detailed discussions of a toy posted anywhere. My wish is to simply share decent images with some basic notes with my fellow collectors. If you’ve got a question about a specific toy, feel free to send me a message through the contact link and I’ll try to answer it as best I can. However, I generally don’t do special photo requests.


Oh, and just a headsup before I close, some of my posts contain several dozen images on one page, so loading could take a moment, if you’re cool with that, then please sit back and enjoy.


– Gold


About the Different Logo Watermarks

As you browse through the site you will notice that some pics have different watermarks. One reads GJLC, something my friend helped me cook up way back when to put on the images to discourage their use for commercial purposes (eg. Ebay auctions, it’s happened on more than one occassion) and to prevent folks from claiming they’re the ones who took the image. I have been using that watermark for the better part of the last decade.

Since the site is now up and running (starting 2016), I figure a new watermark should reflect the new site. Hence, the Brave Fortress logo. There are two different versions of the watermark. One with a border and one without borders on the left, right and top sides. The one without borders is the newer, final version of the watermark.




Credits and Disclaimers

All images, format, content, and design are copyright © 2025 BraveFortess.com unless otherwise noted. No part of these pages may be used or reproduced without expressed written consent of BraveFortess.com.

Licensed character names and images are copyright © their respective companies.

This is a personal site and is not affiliated in any way with any of the companies that own the toys/products featured herein. No copyright infringement is intended.

© 2016-2025 - BraveFortress.com. All rights reserved.