G.i. Joe Adventure Team Commander (Joe Colton)

I figured getting this figure to serve as my comics-styled Joe Colton was a decent idea, since according to the history, Colton was indeed the team leader of Adventure Team at one point. It was only after that I learned that officially, from the Gi Joe Club, that this isn’t Joe Colton. Also, based on the file cards, the birthplaces don’t match (some folks suggest that this might be Adventure Team leader Mike Triumph). Ah well. I guess I can always still use him as Joe Colton in my own little Joe universe. 🙂
The head sculpt looks a bit too … fuzzy… for me though, but I’ve seen pics online of a simple head swap with Star Wars Episode III Obi Wan’s head to make him look like Joe Colton from the Gi Joe Transformers crossover. I might try that.
Figure comes with a long rifle…
… and sidearm