Marvel Legends Avengers Infinite Series 1 – Odin Wave

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Marvel Legends Avengers Infinite Series 1 – Odin Wave

Iron Fist
Machine Man
Thor (Marvel Now)
Captain Marvel
Scarlet Witch

Iron Fist

Comes with various hands

Machine Man

Dun-dun-duduhun Inspector Gadget……

It’s a shame he doesn’t come with extension parts for his legs.

A nice reuse of the Bucky Captain America body mold


Sentry looks really good.

A vast improvement over the old Toybiz one.


I sort of wish they gave us the Bullseye version of this guy instead, so we can add to the Dark Avengers figures.

Dang it, Hasbro! Give us an arrow with our Hawkeyes already!

I guess ol’ Hawkeye will just have to settle for shooting imaginary arrows … again….

Thor (Marvel Now)

The Mjolnir hammer is a reuse of the same hammer from the Return of Marvel Legends Wave 1 Thor, so it’s still missing the inscription that states “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor”. Sigh….

Thor comes with a sword as well, but I think this is supposed to be an accessory for Odin?

Comparison with Wave 1 Thor, more or less the torso, cape and lower legs are reused here.

Captain Marvel

I gotta admit, I do miss the classic “swimsuit and domino mask” costume look but at least this one makes her more acceptable to audiences if they ever decide to include her in upcoming Marvel Movies.

Energy effects

Optional Kree-hairstyle head

Scarlet Witch

Lol.. nice touch with the space on the cape here for maximum visual effect. .

Man, Hasbro really upped their head sculpts, whoever did this one deserves praise. Very well done..

The old Toybiz figure looks like a sad cosplayer now.

She even comes with Hex effects parts. Bravo, Hasbro, bravo.

Build a Figure Odin, the Allfather

The cape is reused from Thor. Unfortunately, even though there’s a hole for the cape’s peg, don’t bother with it as it will mess up the placement of the cape due to the big shoulder armor plates on Odin.

“I have the power!”

Included with the set are optional parts to make King Thor. Based on a Thor comics story set eons into the future, where Thor battled Galactus for the long-dead planet Earth.

You can equip Jarnborn, Thor’s axe on King Thor. Jarnborn is Thor’s replacement weapon after he lost his “worthiness” to carry Mjolnir.

Young and old Thor

The full wave


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