Marvel Legends Endgame Captain America

Well… here we have Captain America’s final outfit in the MCU. Based on his appearance in the big Endgame finale, the costume features new tooling on the torso and an awesome new head sculpt for Cap.
There’s no connectionfor his shield to clip onto his back.
Cap’s shield features some weathering, but unfortunately, it’s nowhere near what the final “cracked” shield looked like in the big battle.

Spoilers ahead, Cap gets Thor’s hammer.
Sadly, my unit comes with a quality issue, one of the hammer corners is poorly cut and unpainted. Unless this is the norm for all units?
“Worthy” Captain America.

Lastly, the set also comes with an impressive Steve Rogers head.
The Chris Evans likeness is almost perfect! Hasbro’s 3D face scan tech is incredible!

“Avengers Assemble!”
