Marvel Legends Iron Man Iron Monger Series
Iron Patriot
A retool of the Extremist armor from the Return of Marvel Legends wave 1, this armor is the one worn by Norman Osborn as part of the Dark Avengers.

Classic Ironman
Based on the Classic design by Steve Ditko way back in 1960s, featuring Ironman’s red and yellow armor debut (as opposed to the original bulky, grey armor). The head was later modified into the more popular “shell-head” look.

The head comes off easily enough.
They also included an optional head, from the 2 pack with Maria Hill.
Heroic Age Ironman (Bleeding Edge Armor)

This figure is certainly large, larger than the Extremist armor.

The full wave 1
The Build a Figure Iron Monger isn’t too shabby. Just wish it was a bit larger.
Marvel Legends Iron Man Iron Monger Series Wave 2
Mark 42
I really, really miss how Hasbro did the Iron Man 2 6″ figures, with the extra hands and all. With the IM3 series, all we get for accessories are the BAF parts.


Ultron is a retool of the Hasbro Titanium Man figure.
Definitely an improvement from the Toybiz Legendary Riders Ultron, but the Marvel Select Ultron still takes the cake for the best, accurate rendition of the character.

Iron Patriot
I liked how they did Iron Patriot in the movie, “silly name” was just spot-on. 🙂
Modified shoulder cannon.

Too bad we didn’t get an actual Iron Man and Iron Patriot team up in the film, it was all Iron Man all the way in the final battle.
The Build a Figure, Comics series Iron Monger
Good call on Hasbro using pearl finish plastic for the figure. I just hope it doesn’t easily become brittle over time like clear plastic.

He’s roughly as tall as the old Iron Man Movie Iron Monger.

Silver Centurion armor’s first appearance was Iron Monger’s final battle.

The full wave 2
The many, many armors of Iron Man..