Netflix Dreamworks Voltron Legendary Defender Legendary Series Shiro

The leader of the Voltron team, he’s the one that inspires the team to do their best. His memory is still hazy from the time he spent as a prisoner of the Galra.
The sculpting isn’t bad but considering this day and age, I was hoping for something a bit better.
The helmet fits snuggly on his head.
He comes with his shield.
Since Shiro doesn’t have his Bayard, he doesn’t really have any weapons other than his cybernetic right arm.
With Keith and Lance.

Not bad, but not great. I do find them a bit better than the ones that came with the Lions from Mattycollector (at least in terms of value for money). But I wish they did do these a little better. It’s very rare to get Super Robot pilot figs in any toy line so I am happy Playmates threw something out. Here’s hoping Pidge and Hunk will be made eventually.