Sentinel MetamorForce Dino Getter 1 – Black Version

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Sentinel MetamorForce Dino Getter 1 – Black Version

The manual is exactly the same as the red version.

Limited mostly to conventions like SDCC and HK ACG con ( I think it also came out on their website?), this one pretty much went up in price. I was lucky my friend was able to get me one at the HK ACG.

I love the new head sculpt.

Switch on!!!!

Getter Tomahawk!

Getter Scythe

Weighs roughly 265 Grams.

Since this is a retool of the Red version the diecast parts are the same (Toes, sides of the lower legs, crotch and upper torso)

Also, the figure is molded in red plastic and then repainted black. You can make out some of the unpainted edges if you look really closely. Not a big thing, but you do have to be careful and mindful of scratching the paint in light of this.

Pteranodon mode

Comparison with Red Getter

Last but not least, the cape swap with Sentinel Black Getter. The cape is not included with this set but is from the Sentinel X Trex OVA Black Getter 1.

Personally, I love this more than the red version, the “bone-white” colors on the red one just seem off. Plus, we get a better-looking head here, no “happy Getter” mouth design. Lol.

The only real turn off here is the price. Secondary market prices are way too high for this. Sentinel should just have made this just as accessible as the Black Getter One instead of the “exclusive” route. That killed the interest really for a lot of folks with that silly move.


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