Super Robot Chogokin Gaogaigar Key of Victory Set 2- Stealth Gao II and Gatling Driver.
Included is a clear stand for the Stealth Gao II

When this set was first announced I expected something along the lines of CM’S Corp.’s take on the Star GGG upgrade and just give us add-ons for the GGG’s Stealth Gao. Instead Bandai gave us a complete Stealth Gao II. Nice

The Stealth Gao II sports some articulation, in the Space Booster and in the wings.

Ring design
Phantom Ring!!
Broken Phantom!!

Protect Wall!!
The Space Booster tips can be removed and replaced with green–tinted clear parts to simulate the UL Tech Engine’s activation when GGG is in flight.
UL Tech (Ultra Technology) Engine.

Gatling Driver
It’s tips open, just like in the Anime

Unlike the Dividing Driver, which divides space, the Gatling Driver’s primary function is to create a focal point (“gravity lens” ) for focusing energy attacks.
Double-Head Driver attack.

I like the set, even if the Space Boosters do seem a bit big. My biggest qualm about it is that it makes GGG top heavy. So it does have tendency to fall over too easily. I think this problem might not be present with the GGG 2.0 release which has tighter joints particularly in the groin area.