Transformers Titans Return Deluxe Class Hot Rod with Firedrive

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Transformers Titans Return Deluxe Class Hot Rod with Firedrive

Well, here we go again, another Hot Rod toy. It’s an improvement over the old Classics version, but I think there are still parts of it that can be improved a bit more, like the big arms, for example.

Photon guns

Guns can combine

Titan Master Firedrive

According to the bio, Firedrive gives the bot he connects to the power to shoot electrostatic fire blasts that incapacitates his opponents .

The vehicle mode is a nice improvement from the old Classics mold, this one definitely has more G1 cartoon accuracy in terms of design.

I don’t quite get the fascination of Hasbro’s, making Titan Masters be able to sit on the weapons? Making them… Target Masters? All I see are suicide seats.

Comparison with the older Henkei/Classics mold

The “Autobot Cavalier” – Hot Rod.


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