G.i. Joe Classified #138 Night Force Lt. Falcon and Quarrel

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G.i. Joe Classified #138 Night Force Lt. Falcon and Quarrel

Lt. Falcon

A second-generation green beret, Lt. Falcon matures from a brash, impetuous, reckless goof-off into a solid soldier, dedicated to earning the respect of his peers. As the leader the G.i. Joe Night Force sub-team, Lt. Falcon never hesitates to go where his team needs him to be, be it on the frontlines of the mission, or provide secondary medical support for his wounded teammates.

Heh… Lt. Falcon sure has some hairy forearms.

His new head sculpt is a huge improvement over the original release.

He comes with night vision gear, as well as two flashlights. I guess he must really be afraid of the dark? Lol..

For weaponry, Lt. Falcon comes a sidearm that can be holstered on his right leg.

I wasn’t completely sure if this knife was supposed to go to Falcon or to Quarrel, but it can be sheathed on his belt loop.

Same as with his previous backpack, it comes with a machette that Falcon can wield.

Lastly, for the non-weapon accessories, the set provides an alternate “helmeted” head for the Lt. to use. It’s the same as the one with Steel Brigade. I think it’s a great idea, at least this way we can put the unmasked head on the regular release Falcon. I’ll try to update this page when I can get around to doing it.

Night Force Lt. Falcon comes with so much hardware, it’s really crazy. First up, an M-16 rifle.

Next, he comes with a grenade launcher.

Hasbro then includes this sweet machine gun for Falcon to use.

Removable ammo box

Lock ‘n load!

Last but not least, Lt. Falcon comes with his trusty shotgun.


Already an excellent martial artist and all-around sportswoman, Hedda Pulver joins the Special Action Force’s Z-Force Infantry seeking a life of adventure. The daughter of a Swiss Diplomat, her primary specialty lies in undercover operations.

As usual, Quarrel is a reuse of Scarlett’s buck. In this case, it’s the recently-released Retro Carded Scarlett body, just with additional armor pieces.

Similar to Retro Carded Scarlett, the figure’s waist features a hole for you to peg the quiver belt into.

I prefer to leave it unpegged though, and keep the quiver behind her backside.

Hehe, yeah, those throwing stars indicate Scarlett’s forearm, alright.

Decent head sculpt for Quarrel. Though I do wish her head was a bit bigger? It seems kind of off in terms of proportion for me.

If you look closely at her left ear, you can see her earpiece cable sculpted in place. Pretty cool detailing.

Quarrel comes with two different knives. One is sheathed on her vest (I mistakenly gave it to Lt. Falcon in the earlier shots. Whoops) and the other one is on her left thigh.

The set provides Quarrel with a pretty cool sidearm, complete with extended magazines. Too bad there’s nowhere to holster it when not in use.

Similar to Scarlett, her preferred weapon of choice is the crossbow. Naturally, she comes with the same crossbow as Retro Carded Scarlett.

Lastly, Quarrel comes with the female Steel Brigade helmeted head as an alternate head.

These two are loaded for bear!

Overall, pretty darn amazing! Lt. Falcon is probably the most heavy-weapons loaded figure we’ve ever gotten in the Classified line. I’m really glad Hasbro did folks a solid and pumped so much gear into this set! Quarrel is also a nice addition to the Joe ranks and I do like that they thought to include her into the Night Force sub-team as her colors do match the “black and green” motif of the group.

Man.. if they ever finish up the Classified line, I’ll most likely backtrack the Tiger Force and Night Force figures, I think, especially the Night Force group.

This two-pack’s pre-order oddball codename was Zorak, from Hanna Barbera’s Space Ghost.


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