DC Collectibles Batman The Animated Series – Harvey Bullock

Like Zatanna, Bullock’s hat is not removable. Too bad, I think I would’ve liked to see him without his Fedora. I’m also not too crazy about the over use of eyeshadow here for this guy. Seems like Harvey’s gone through a week without sleep.

Surprisingly, for a chunky figure as this, they included a huge lot of accessories to go with him! I think this is the most “bang for the buck” DC Collectibles figure I’ve ever bought.
Standard issue GCPD revolver firearm.
Standard issue GCPD shotgun
Standard issue GCPD handcuffs
Standard issue GCPD donuts (lol)!
I wanted to do a teamup shot of him and Gordon, but sadly, with the holidays I didn’t have time to go to my storage place to get him. Maybe next time.
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Do you feel lucky, punk?
