Soul of Chogokin Gx-43 Tosho Daimos

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Tryper 75-S & Galva FXII.

Professor Shinichiro Izumi reveals the Tranzer. (Yeah I know the explanation of the Daimo-Light energy is bit hokey but what the hey. )
Tranzer Go!!!

Just In!!!
Daimos Battle Turn!
Daimos and Galva FXII
Even though Daimos is packed to the brim with every weapon coming out of almost every conceivable orifice, his primary weapon is still Kazuya’s mastery of Karate.
Daimo Chop!
Five Shooter!
The Five Shooter can only be held this way on the SOC Daimos.
Sou-Ryuu-Ken! (Double Dragon Blade!)
Daimos Kick! (the Foot Cutter blade plugs into the side of the foot)

San-Ryuu-Kon! (Triple Dragon Stick)

Daimo Missile!
Daimos Guns!
Snake Lock!
Cross Boomerang!
Double Blizzard!
Reppu Seikenzuki

After the arrival of the Baam scientist Aizam on Earth halfway through the series, the Baam robots become stronger and get near indestructible armor upgrades, prompting Daimos to receive upgrades as well to combat the new threat.
Chain Shark!

Battle Break!
Daimo Shaft!

Freezer Storm and Fire Blizzard
To counter the Baam’s new improved super elastic armor alloy midway through the series, Daimos is later equipped with a new Freeze beam and improved (Fire) Double Blizzard to effect extreme temperature changes and weaken his opponent’s armor.
Double Blizzard (right), Fire Blizzard (left)
Freezer Storm!
Fire Blizzard!
I’m not sure if Daimos ever did a finishing kick move after the Freezer Storm and Fire Blizzard (didn’t have time to rewatch the later VCDs) but I threw this in anyway for variety.

Display Stand
I think this is one of the most Weapon crazy display stands I’ve ever seen for the SOC line.
Remember to extend the ankle when you handle Daimos for the first time, to make the Tranzer’s tail lights go in. Otherwise the Tranzer tail lights’ paint will chip when you’re standing Daimos on any surface.
How SOC Daimos’ kick works. lift up the joint, then hyper extend the leg.
The Good
-Ready to play right out of the box!! This is a very huge surprise for me. The last time they did this was with Iron Gear and I’m really glad they did it again for Daimos. Just remember to extend out the foot.
-Ratchet jointed double jointed knee. VERY tight ratchet jointed shoulders joints.
-Good tight fist joints for grasping weapons (as opposed to Voltes and Combattler).
-Stands roughly 8 Inches, weighs 650 Grams or so.
-Diecast shoulders, some internal structural pieces, waist and feet (mostly the weight is in the feet).
-Very good proportion in robot mode.
-The Tryper 75-S is actually stored in Daimos’ left foot. So it doesn’t fall out like it did in the old Popy toy.
The Bad
-The Tryper and Galva aren’t diecast. Darn!
-Not Anime accurate transformation (though I don’t really mind, but it needed to be said).
-Too bad the Drill Anchor missiles aren’t included.
-Plastic Tranzer wheels (again, I don’t really mind. I prefer plastic to rubber wheels personally).
-Lack of ratchet joints for the groin area (note that most of my kick photos have Daimos’ leg propped against something, otherwise the leg will just drop down with almost no resistance)
-Flipping out the “Double Blizzard” chest plate and back can be a pain sometimes.
-Daimos is smiling? I don’t know if it’s just me, but there’s something off with his lip sculpt. It’s like it tapered off with a smile at the end. Unlike Reideen which had a “neutral” lip.
-Possible joint breakage due to repeated fist swapping? I really wished they used diecast on this part.
-(minor quibble) The shoulders. Something’s a bit off, they’re either too close or too spread out from the torso. I recommend not locking in the internal shoulder peg and adjust the shoulders accordingly to make it align properly.
-Swapping out the Tranzer cab. Attaching and removing the Tranzer cab will give a loud snap. It gives a chill up mine spine whenever I hear it. To attach the small “backpack” for better proportion, you have to remove the Tranzer cab for the back wheels to slot into the cavity, otherwise it won’t fit. So you will have to remove the Tranzer cab often (unless you use the big “backpack”).

-Another spot that seems a bit fragile is this folding piece of cover for the Tranzer.
The Ugly
Sigh, no matter how careful you are, Daimos will scratch whenever you transform it into Tranzer. Click on the images to view larger pics.
The first scratch came already with the toy.
Other highly possible scratch risk areas!

This edge will cause scrapping on the left shoulder.
This is by far the biggest trouble spot I see, expect to carve out a good chunk of this spot’s paint if you’re not careful.
I STRONGLY recommend using 3M Magic tape to tape down the trouble spots! You can also use regular Scotch Tape but it tends to leave sticky residue.
Overall, I really like SOC Daimos, as long as it stays in robot mode. The bulk of the problems stem from transforming it into Tranzer, for the most part I don’t mind the non-Anime accurate transformation that much with regards to the arms and Tranzer covers. If they did the transformation the exact same way as the Anime then it would be like the old disproportioned Popy toy again and that would be somewhat disappointing.
However, I do wish they did the Tranzer cab similar to the SOC Getters or Reideen where you can just swap the head out for a more proportional head instead of forcing a radically different transformation here.
The scratches are just pure hell. I can’t see why they had to squeeze Daimos into such a tiny Tranzer. A little extra space inside the Tranzer would’ve fixed this huge problem.
In robot mode, it’s just very eye-catching on any shelf. The ability to do a kick is a nice bonus, but it could’ve been better with a few rightly placed ratchet joints. The sheer amount of accessories will make you head spin. I actually prefer this over Voltes since it’s more stable and looks leaner and meaner.
So, bottom line, get it for Daimos, not Tranzer. If you do have to transform it, using tape is must, no buts about it.
Funfact: Daimos is the third in a series called “Romantic Trilogy” following Choudenji Robo Combattler V and Choudenji Robo Voltes V. Though Tadao Nagahama is often credited as the creator of the “Romantic Trilogy”, he only directed the three series. He also directed the second half of the Yuusha Reideen series.
“The Romantic Trilogy” was actually created by collective staff of Toei Co. Ltd. (according to Wikipedia).
Funfact 2: Erica was voiced by Miyuki Ueda, the same Seiyu (Japanese voice actor/actress) that played Chizuru Nanbara (Combattler V) and Megumi Oka (“Jaime” in Voltes V). “Romantic Trilogy” indeed.
Funfact 3: Akira Kamiya, the voice of Kazuya, also did a lot of other voices for Super Robot Pilots, such as Yuusha Reideen, Getter Robot, Mechander Robo, Gaiking, Dangaioh, Roy Fokker (Macross), Ryo Saeba (City Hunter), Hokuto No Ken (Fist of the North Star) and often does Dub work for Pierce Brosnan’s James Bond character.
