Action Toys Mini Deformed 03 Tosho Daimos

Action Toys’ third release in their Mini-Deformed line, Tosho Daimos. Arguably the best figure in the line so far, this unit comes with more accessories than the previous releases (Combattler V and Voltes V, respectively), even with deformed or “chibi” proportions, the figure looks really good. My only real gripe would be I wish it came with some diecast, but I guess the company’s objective was to keep the price down in order to boost sales. I can’t argue with that.
Daimos looks really good, and is a lot of fun to pose!

Daimo Kick!
Battle Break!

Daimo Shaft!

The Daimo Shaft can be combined to form a longer weapon

Daimo Missile (sadly, the missile doesn’t rotate so it only faces upward for the Tranzer mode).
Double Blizzard!!
To get the Double Blizzard turbines to appear, just flip the chest panel.

Finishing strike! Hissatsu Reppu Seiken Zuki!
Daimos stands roughly 5.25 inches tall and weighs 70 Grams.
TranzerFor show accuracy, Action Toys went for parts swapping here.
The covers attach into an alternate plug, instead of the plug used for the back plate.
The Tranzer, Daimos’ alt mode for the obligatory “must have transformation in every episode” sequence.
Sadly, the wheels on the Tranzer do not roll, so be mindful of that.
With the other members of the Romantic Trilogy.

Overall, a solid figure (even without any diecast)! I’m really looking forward to their Daltanious (both versions will be “convention exclusives”) and also announced for this line is Mini-Deformed Godsigma.
