D-Arts Terry Bogard
Terry has 2 other optional facial expressions
His cap can also be removed (not recommended though since Terry’s head will look pretty silly without a hat… or half a head….
The optional hand can firmly hold onto the cap.

Terry comes with a duffle bag, the end of the rope is permanently attached the optional hand at the end of the bag.

Power Wave!
To perform some of the other poses, you need to swap out this piece with the plug. Then attach the plug to a Soul Stage (Soul Stage sold seperately).

Burn Knuckle!

Crack shot!
Rising Tackle
Power Geyser!!
I wish the Power Geyser effects part was taller. It seems like Terry’s Ground wave as is…

Terry stands roughly just below 6″, unfortunately, most 6″ figures are taller than Terry.

“Are you okay?”

Revealed upcoming figures for this line includes Kyo Kusanagi, Kim Kaphwan and Mai Shiranui.