DC C3 Minimates
DC Minimates:
Batmobile(can seat 2 figures side by side)
Set comes with an alternate “closed cape” for Batman.
Bat Vehicles

C3 Minimates Batcave
Man, even paying 2,000 for this years ago (it was on sale from 3500) I still feel like I over paid for it. A poorly designed toy IMHO.
It was pure hell trying to assemble it, the pylons aren’t sturdy enough, so every time you come close to assembling the upper floors by exerting the downward pressure to lock the pieces- it would result in the whole structure imploding!
After 4 hours and 5 attempts, I decided to assemble each floor seperately and then just “stack” it on top instead of “locking” it in place.

Wayne Manor is just goofy in purple, with no other features, I would’ve rathered they expanded the cave part instead.
There’s a working elevator to this area..
The Batcave. The only part of the toy I really liked..