DC Collectibles Batman the Animated Series Batcycle

The display base is actually reversible, the default side is meant to be the recreation of the flooring of the Batcave, while the opposite side is meant to be a typical street (complete with manhole cover).

This effects piece is removable so you can transplant it to either side of the base. It’s actually very clever in that it also rocks left or right to help hold the bike in a “turning” position without the bike tipping over. Superbly thought-out design here.

Remember to remove this plastic piece to activate the pre-installed batteries.
This set runs on 3x LR44 button batteries.

Only appearing in a handful of episodes, the Batcycle is only used when the Batmobile is unavailable or when Robin decides to go out on his own (Robin also later uses his own modified version of the Batcycle when he adopts the Nightwing identity).

Batman’s only accessory is a spare “helmeted, non-angry” head. I kind of wish they included the regular Batman head instead for this set.
Wires on the sides of the cape for dynamic affect when he’s on the bike.
A new addition to the figure is an ab crunch joint. It does kind of ruin the line art but it is necessary so Batman can ride the bike properly.

Rocker ankle joints.

With the Batcycle
Activation button on the bottom of the bike.
Same as with the DC Collectibles Batmobile, an LED (Light Emitting Diode) is present on the headlight, the instrument panel and at the brake light, pretty cool to look at.

Lets roll!!

This set is really great and has A LOT of shelf presence. Surprisingly, the bike does have some heft to it as well. The only things missing that would make this set over the top are sound effects and some additional accessories for Batman, but it’s all still quite impressive and it really gave me a bang for my buck even without those extras.

I think this will be my last purchase for this line. It has been absolutely fantastic and it has given basically the entire lineup from the Batman the Animated Series run. It’s very impressive that DC Collectibles was able to sustain it this far. They are coming out with some conceptual characters (Jason Todd, Jean-Paul Valley as Batman, Deathstroke) that never appeared on the show, but I think I’m okay with passing on those figures. Truly a very remarkable run from DC Collectibles.