DC Collectibles Batman The Animated Series Batman Beyond with Bruce Wayne and Ace

When they first announced this set back then, my jaw dropped. I was always a big fan of Batman Beyond, I loved seeing Bruce being the mentor as opposed to the sad loner. So this set was really something I was looking forward to.
The wings on Batman are a bit… off. I can’t say I liked the hinge system they used for it.

At least it makes the wings foldable, like on the back of the box.
To properly display the wings, you have to ignore how they’re laid out in the box and reconfigure them to look like so.

I think it would’ve been better if they just gave us a whole, solid wing though, instead of forcing the hinge issue.
The old, trusty Batarang.
Display base

Bruce Wayne
The head sculpt on old man Bruce is very impressive. Irene Matar really did such a great job here. Old Bruce is captured in 3D in every angle!

The cane is a bit tricky to hold down right, but this is how it should look.
Display base

Ace (the Bat-hound)
Ace features some pretty decent articulation to boot.

I was surprised to see Batman smaller than Bruce Wayne but it does make sense as Terry is supposed to be only in his late teens. So the build is right.
I don’t really care for Damian Wayne (too arrogant), for me, the next gen Batman will always be Terry Mcginnis.
