DC Collectibles Batman The Animated Series – The New Batman Adventures Joker

The redesigned look for Mistah J really threw me for a loop the first time I saw him, the lack of whites in his eyes plus the lack of red lips? Freaky. Still, I got used to it over the years. It made him more menacing to look at compared to the original BTAS designs.

Display base

Hyenas. A very nice accessory for the Clown Prince of Crime. Plus, they’re articulated to boot!

Joker only comes with his sidearm this time. No knives or pearls or that fishbowl. Sweet and simple.

Comparison with the earlier Joker.
I didn’t realize it at first but they dropped the foot peg holes for the figure. Odd, but then again, when has DC Collectibles ever released footpegs for the figures in this line, right?
End of the line, Bats.
