DC Collectibles Batman The Animated Series Ventriloquist & Scarface

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DC Collectibles Batman The Animated Series Ventriloquist & Scarface

Arnold Wesker is a poor tortured soul, while he is a good man, his fractured psyche created the villainous mo boss persona Scarface. The dummy is the real brains of the operation.

With Scarface

DC Collectibles really did a detailed job with this figure. Scarface plugs directly into Wesker’s wrist joint (you have to remove the hand) and there’s a switch inside the dummy. Moving the dummy up and down will make the head of the dummy rise up and down as well. A very nice action feature. I didn’t think they’d go an extra mile for this guy. Nicely done.

Display base

The machine gun is a bit hard to equip on Scarface.

You can also put the gun in the Ventriloquist’s hands. For some reason this makes me think of Elmer Fudd…..


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