DC Multiverse Super Friends Superman

Wow… it took Mattel close to a decade but they finally released the Superman figure I wanted since they launched the line. Based on the original Kenner Super Powers and Super Friends Superman figure, this figure sports show accurate colors (finally!) and a classic-styled cloth cape!

I really love the throwback to the old Kenner Super Powers cape here.

Unfortunately, I still really hate the headsculpt they used, even back in the day, Superman looks… Asian? I wish they reworked the head.
Display base
Mattel tried going with a “build a backdrop” theme again here (first used in the ’66 Batman line). To complete the “Super Friends” backdrop, you have to get Batman, Superman, Aquaman and Green Lantern.

With SF Batman
Yeah! Forget BVS! It’s all about being Super Friends!!

I’m still on the fence with GL and Aquaman. I’ll try to get them maybe later on if I see a good deal for them. As is, I’m pretty happy with my DCUC ones.
This is a job for Superman!

Up, up and away!