DC Universe Classics Series 1 Metamorpho Wave
Crime Stopper Batman
The Demon Etrigan
Red Tornado
Unfortunately the “Collect and Connect” Metamorhpho figure doesn’t come with a Bio card.
Comes with his Astro Harness accessory and Metamorpo’s left leg.
I’m not sure if this is just localized to mine but Orion’s legs are twisted outwards a bit, you can’t plant his feet firmly on any surface, he can stand, but it does look a bit weird.
The details on the Astro harness are great!

The Astro harness is removable
With Darkseid.

Crime Stopper Batman (comes with grappling hook, Batarang and Metamorpho’s right arm)
When Mattel released teaser images a while back I wasn’t that impressed with the figure, but the final product is very nice. It’s actually very eye catching in a crowded display. 🙂

Mattel redesigned the feet to have “peg holes”
Batmen so far.

The only villain the wave, the Penguin (comes with an umbrella and Metamorpho’s torso/head).

I’d have to pick Penguin as my least favorite figure in the line. The headsculpt would’ve been much better if they didn’t show his teeth.
Next to Batman (at least the scale holds).
The Demon Etrigan (comes with Metamorpho’s left arm)
Despite his name and appearance he’s one of the good guys (under the control of Jason Blood) and has often helped the JLA from time to time in matters of the occult.
Biggest and coolest figure of the wave.
Red Tornado (comes with a tornado accessory and Metamorpho’s left leg)

As good as the figure looks, there are a lot of paint bleeds here and there. I hope Mattel will address such quality issues in the future.


The hammer and lava hands can be removed.

Unfortunately, my Metamorpho’s left (clear) leg has trouble staying attached to the body, it comes off with little effort. I don’t know if this is a design flaw or just poor quality control.

The JLA so far.

Superman Rogues Gallery.
Batman Rogues Gallery.