DC Universe Classics Series 17 Anti-Monitor Wave
Star Sapphire Wonder Woman
Yellow Lantern Scarecrow
Blue Lantern Flash
Indigo Lantern Atom
Orange Lantern Lex Luthor
Black Lantern Hal Jordan
White Lantern Hal Jordan (variant)
Star Sapphire Wonder Woman

With the DCUC “normal” WW, Hmm .. apparently, when you get a power ring, you shrink…? 🙂

Yellow Lantern Scarecrow

I love the head sculpt on this figure, I just wish he wasn’t a Yellow Lantern here.
Blue Lantern Flash

I love the new “focused” paint on the eyes, the old one just had way too dilated pupils.

Indigo Lantern Atom
Atom is by far the best in the wave IMHO.

Orange Lantern Lex Luthor
Lex’s Lantern doesn’t come with a handle, guess it makes it easier for him to “hug” it.

Black Lantern Hal Jordan

White Lantern Hal comes with the same CNC parts as the Black version.
Wave 17 CNC Anti-Monitor

The Full wave 17
Personally, I really feel this wave suffers from poor character selection, I get that Blackest Night was awesome but marketing a whole wave of toys based on characters that most folks already have is just not smart IMHO. I wish Mattel just gave us unreleased characters instead of this.