DC Universe Classics Series 2 Gorilla Grodd Wave
Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond)
Firestorm (Jason Rusch variant)
Harley Quinn
Superman Blue
Superman Red
Black Manta
Gorilla Grodd
I gotta say, whoever decided the design for Harley’s packaging certainly has a sense of humor.
Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond)
Even though Ronnie Raymond is dead, I still prefer this incarnation of the Firestorm character (since he’s the original) instead of the Jason Rusch version.
His arm accessories can be removed.

I’ve never really been a fan of Firestorm, so it was kind of a surprise to find out in more recent comics that Ronnie Raymond is dead and a new character has taken up the name Firestorm.

With Ronnie Raymond Firestorm.
Comes with his trident. I really love this figure and the detail on his costume and trident. Definitely the standout in the wave.
Black Manta, Aquaman’s nemesis.
Also comes with his own trident and a ray gun(?)

Aquaman vs Black Manta

Oddly enough, I found myself humming the old “Superfriends” tune while doing this pic. Hehe, IMHO these are the best representations of the characters in action figure form (sorry, but the DCD Alex Ross Aquaman was just not cool for me)
Despite looking cool and all, I never really understood Black Manta as a villain. It was like he was just there for Aquaman to fight but his motivations were never really clear.
Harley Quinn
Comes with a cork gun and a mallet
I’m really glad Mattel included her in this line. She compliments the old 2003 Batman’s Joker figure well. 🙂
Harley and her “Puddin'”
Another Death trap for Batman
With the DC Direct “Hush” Harley.
I kind of prefer the red on the DCD Harley.
Blue and Red Superman
What is clearly the strangest transformation of any comics character ever, Superman “evolves” into an energy being. Capable of now “turning his powers on and off” and gains new energy powers.
Even stranger he also later on “splits” into two beings (one rational, one hot headed). Needless to say the whole thing was a comic sales train wreck and DC returns him to his old self later on.
Superman Blue
The energy aura on his arms are removable, I’m not so sure about the one on the back though.

Superman Red sports an “angry” look.
Blue and Red

Okay, let’s build a Grodd!

Blue and Red Superman come with the same Grodd part. Thankfully Mattel scrapped the idea of the variants [/b]NOT[/b] having the Collect and Connect parts, otherwise things would be problematic with us getting the Ronnie Raymond Firestorm variant.

Some comparison pics of Grodd
With the DCUC Wave 1 CNC Metamorpho.
With the DCUC wave Etrigan.
With the DCSH Clayface.
With the DCD Alex Ross Grodd.
DCUC Wave 2 group

With Wave 1
As good as Wave 2 is, there are a lot of QC problems. Paint bleeds, paint chips, and for some reason, my Superman Red’s right foot is warped into a letter “C”.