DC Universe Classics Series 7 Atom Smasher Wave
Ocean Warrior Aquaman
Kid Flash
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
Booster Gold
Big Barda
Big Barda (Helmetless variant)
Captain Cold
The Flash
Atom Smasher
The quality of this wave is really bad, I had to pick up extras of Blue Beetle and Barda since the CNC pieces were either wrong (left and right part reversal) or totally missing.. sigh..
Ocean Warrior Aquaman, personally this was a real waste of a character slot for this wave.

Kid Flash

Wally West

The Speedsters
Captain Cold

I wish they made the gun more solid, the grip on the pistol is too small.
Versus the Flash
The Flash

Barry Allen.
Blue Beetle

Booster Gold
Skeets can be removed.

Big Barda

Poor paint quality
Sadly, Barda isn’t quite big enough.
Helmet-less variant

I’m not sure, but is the skew hair band intentional?
The CNC : Atom Smasher
