Fansproject City Commander 2009 ver for Classics Ultra Magnus.

Note that on the box it states that this reissue comes with Rifle and Missile add-ons.
Trailer mode.

The rifle and missile parts can be attached to the trailer sides.
New rifle.
Rifle can be “stored” on Magnus’ leg.
City Commander Ultra Magnus
“License plate” folds up. 😉
City Commander stands 8.5 Inches tall.
His rifle also transforms.

Armed to the teeth!!
The remainder of the trailer transforms into a huge missile gun….
…or into a huge rifle!
As a extra “secret” bonus, Fansproject added extra faceplates. Open mouth and “Shadow Commander” mouthplate face.
Just lift up the head and pull out the face plate to do the swap.

With DIA Commander armor (for Optimus Prime/Convoy).
Face plate swap.

For those that missed out on picking up Classics Ultra Magnus, you can also use Prime as the inner body. It doesn’t really look that different unless you pay close attention.

Here’s to one of the best darn mass-produced custom ever!