G.i. Joe Classified #120 Cobra Night Attack 4-WD Stinger

Oddly, the “footlocker” comes with the effects parts and stepping ramp and not the Driver’s accessories.
The actual accessories for the Stinger Driver comes packed on a tray elsewhere in the box.

Stinger Driver
Noted to be of Cobra officer level rank, the Stinger Drivers are very well-trained in explosives, disguises and are experts in martial arts. They are used to operating the Stingers 4WD vehicles at top speeds for maximum combat effectivity and are always prepared to lead Cobra troopers in to the frontlines of battle.
The figure is a straight up redeco of the G.i. Joe Classified Cobra Officer.

Removable helmet

Stinger logo armband.
The Stinger Driver comes with a removable knife that can be sheathed on his left thigh.

He also comes with a Luger-type sidearm that can be holstered on his right hip.

AK assault rifle
Previously, the rifle comes with an optional mountable flashlight piece for the Cobra Officer. Sadly, this accessory is NOT included with this version.
Removable ammo magazine.
With the magazine removed, the rifle can be stored on an optional huge holster on the officer’s back.
Same as with the regular release Cobra Officer, the webgear also features pockets for the removed assault rifle ammo magazine.

Lastly, the figure also comes with an SMG rifle.
Removable ammo magazine.

Dual wield!!

Cobra Stinger

Cobra’s night attack 4WD vehicle, the Stinger, moves fast across all terrain. Usually deployed to spearhead Cobra’s attacks, the Stinger features heavy fire armaments that can easily take out enemy positions before they realize what has happened.
Thankfully, the tires are indeed easily removed once you plug them in. This makes it easy to return the set back into the box.
The hood opens up to reveal a 4.8 liter V-12 fuel injected twin-turbo engine.

Ram bar
Like it’s mold-mate the G.i. Joe VAMP, the set features a working winch with towline and hook.

Like the VAMP, the vehicle comes with removable hood-mounted shovel for digging out the tires in case they get stuck, among other things.
Gull-wing doors. I love how there are paint applications on the back of the doors. Nice detailing.
Like the G.i. Joe VAMP, the Stinger also features working suspension for the wheels.
Rear step bar, to carry more figures.
Getting the step bar in place can be a bit tricky at first, but you will most likely figure it out.
Rear tow hook, for towing the Cobra MMS (I really need to get that set at some point).
Fire extinguisher
Tampographed details on the sides of the vehicle.
I can’t say I’m impressed with this tiny peg they designed to connect to the missile turret.
Shiny side-view mirrors.
Crazy dashboard detailing. Thankfully, Hasbro used tampographs and not stickers here.

I love how the gear shift can be clicked up or down, just like on the VAMP.
Tinted front windshield. Unfortunately, you can’t see if there’s anyone inside the vehicle. I wish they went with a clear windshield here instead.
Similar to the G.i. Joe VAMP, the front windshield can be hinged down to allow the driver and passenger to aim and fire their guns.
Getting the Stinger Driver in is a bit tricky, as the clearance for getting his head with the helmet on through the arch of the door is really tight, you will feel the scrapping on his helmet as you push him in. It is a bit annoying.
For armaments, the Stinger utilizes 4x variable mission missile launch rails on its back. The launchers can be loaded with short-range surface-to-air missiles, or medium-range surface-to-surface computer or laser-designated targeted high explosive or incendiary missiles.
Effects parts
We get the same effects parts that came with the deluxe Scrap Iron set.
You can also plug in the booster effects for the missiles, to simulate them “firing” from the rack.
Photo dump department.

Overall, what’s not love about this set? When Hasbro first unveiled the VAMP, the Cobra Stinger was always expected to follow suit. Thankfully, this time around the Stinger was not released as an exclusive (unlike the VAMP, which was only available on Hasbro Pulse). Better still, this set came with effects parts! I feel like we really got our bang for the buck here, especially when compared to how pricey the VAMP was for us overseas.

Hasbro’s oddball codename for the Cobra Stinger with Driver is HB Blossom (of the Power Puff Girls) .