G.i. Joe Classified #123 Dreadnok Torch

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G.i. Joe Classified #123 Dreadnok Torch

Too bad Hasbro didn’t print a Dreadnoks logo background with Torch. That would’ve been a better fit.

Torch is probably the dumbest of the Dreadnoks crew. Being illiterate and simple-minded, Torch just simply does whatever Zartan tells him to do. As a part of the mercenary biker gang often hired by Cobra to execute operations ranging from “smash and grabs” to outright sabotage and destruction, Torch excels in his tasks thanks to his trusty flamethrower and his mates, Buzzer and Ripper, backing him up.

Great stud details on his jacket.

Lol… flaming hot pants.

Not sure how I feel about the flame tattoos on his forearms, they were never a thing in the cartoon models.

It’s unfortunate that unlike the previously released Dreadnoks, Torch’s sunglasses cannot be removed from his face and are permanently sculpted on. I guess it was too hard to get the sunglasses to stay on? This was particularly an issue with Buzzer.

Torch comes with a pair of pistols, which can be holstered on the sides of his legs.

Naturally, Torch comes with his flamethrower and fuel tank backpack.

You gotta love the little detail print on the tank.

The set provides 3 different flame effects parts that you can plug into the flamethrower’s nozzle.

“Small flame” effects piece.

“Short, concentrated” effects piece.

“Longer reach” effects piece.

With his mates – the Dreadnoks!

Zartan’s Angels.

The best (?) mercenaries Cobra money can buy!

I hope at some point, Hasbro gives us some grape soda cans and jelly donut accessories to go with this motley crew.

I didn’t include Zarana in the shots, since it felt more appropriate to have the original core Dreadnok members up for now. I’ll try to do an updated shot once we get Zandar, Road Pig and Gnawgahyde in hand.

Overall, not bad. With Torch’s release, we finally have all the original Dreadnoks together. I love the various optional effects parts Hasbro included here! I do wish his sunglasses were removable just like with the other Dreadnoks for uniformity, but I understand the reasoning behind the design change.

I’m really hoping we get Monkeywrench and Thrasher down the road soon to complete the Sunbow Era Dreadnoks.


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