G.i. Joe Classified # 67 Snow Job

Harlan W. Moore is the Joe team’s original arctic trooper. A former Olympic Biathlon (a winter sport that combines skiing and rifle shooting) contender, he decided to join the G.i. Joe team instead. While technically an arctic missions specialist, it’s said that he got his codename “Snow Job” from his reputation as a con artist. Considered one of the best marksmen on the team, Snow Job would get more respect from his fellow Joes, if only he wasn’t also the team’s practical joker.

Getting his goggles into position with the hood on is a bit of a challenge, you’ll have to position the goggles into the hood before inserting his head in to fit it all together right.
A huge part of me wishes his goggles were blue (like in the cartoons) instead of orange. Oh well…
Take note that Snow Job’s “skirt” can hinder his leg articulation, I don’t think he can sit?
Snow Job comes with a LOT of gear. Impressively, everything can be stowed away on his backpack.
Do take note that the straps for the skis are SUPER tight, you can see the stress marks on the straps as you push the skis into place. I can’t say if they will eventually tear if repeatedly taken on and off.
Snow shoes
Slot for holding the sniper rifle.
The ski poles can be clipped into place on the inner side of the pack.
Ready for winter!
Unfortunately, the snow shoes tend to fall off easily. I couldn’t get them to stay on right for some reason.

Thankfully, the skis hold on to Snow Job’s feet better. No issues here.

For weaponry, Snow Job comes with a sidearm that can be holstered on his right leg.
Like most new figures, the gun has a hole for plugging in effects parts if you’ve got them (no effects parts aren’t included in this set, though).
Sniper Rifle.
Same as with all the rifles in the Classified line, the ammo magazine is removable.
Due to the gun stock being a bit large, getting Snow Job to hold the rifle right is a bit of a chore. I had to cheat a bit to make him look like he’s holding the rifle right.

… but if you look at him from the front you’ll notice the rifle’s not positioned properly.
Lastly, Snow Job comes with an alternate head for when he’s not wearing the hood of his parka.
I’m actually a bit disappointed they didn’t use actor Curt Russel’s visage from the John Carpenter movie, “The Thing”, for this head. Whenever I think of Snow Job, he’s who I think of.

Overall, a very, very impressive set! Snow Job comes with so many unique accessories never before seen in the line, he’s very well worth the price! It’s just really amazing how much the Joe brand design team puts into these figures, it simply puts the Marvel Legends line’s accessories to shame.
Snow Job was released as a Hasbro Pulse Exclusive. He wasn’t available for most retail shops in Asia.
Snow Job’s oddball codename in the Classified line is Joyce.