G.i. Joe Classified (partial) Wave 12
G.i. Joe Classified # 59 Cover Girl
G.i. Joe Classified # 62 Outback
G.i. Joe Classified # 63 Lt. Falcon

G.i. Joe Classified # 59 Cover Girl
Courtney A. Krieger is a former successful fashion model working in Chicago and New York. Preferring to find fulfilment in working in the military, she enlisted and became a specialist in armored vehicles and mechanics, eventually joining G.i. Joe.

Sigh… so her v-neck skin tone doesn’t match her neck… C’mon, Hasbro…
I can’t say I’m a fan of this particular head sculpt. The “high society model” eyes don’t really do it for me. I prefer something a little more subtle.
Cover Girl comes with her sidearm, which can be holstered on her right leg.

She also comes with a tablet device, possibly for remote controlling vehicles (like her Wolverine tank) or for working in counter-intelligence.

Her main weapon in this set is her shotgun.

Lastly, since she is a tank mechanic, she comes with a wrench, which can be stowed on a loop on her belt.
Overall, a pretty decent figure. With this release, we’ve got all the Sunbow Era female Joes. I do wish they did Cover Girl’s face sculpt a bit differently, it just doesn’t seem natural somehow. I’m actually thinking of using Rogue from the Pyro 2-pack as an alternative head. Hmm…
Funfact: Cover Girl’s oddball Hasbro codename in the Classified series is Phobos.
G.i. Joe Classified # 62 Outback
Stuart R. Selkirk is the Joe team’s survival specialist. Preferring to hone his skills without the use of modern gadgetry, Outback is highly resourceful in the wilderness and can survive even in the harshest of environments.

I love how Hasbro added some painted “hair” on his forearms. I don’t think we got this with the Tiger Force version.
Naturally, as a survivalist, he comes with a knife and a trusty flashlight, which are both stored on straps on his left leg.

He also comes with his sidearm. The sidearm is holstered on his right leg.

The word “Survival” printed on his shirt is an acronym, taken from the U.S. Army Ranger Handbook:
Size up the situation.
Undue haste makes waste.
Remember where you are.
Vanquish fear and panic.
Improve your situation.
Value living.
Act like the natives.
Learn basic skills.

The sculpting is really good all around this set, Outback looks really impressive when he’s holding his weapons.
Outback comes with a backpack that has pegs for mounting his shovel and rifle.

Lol… even when Outback’s just holding his shovel, he looks dangerous and imposing. I love it!
Lastly, Outback comes with an AR M16 (with removed stock) rifle. Too bad it’s not his iconic black Hekler and Koch rifle from the vintage line, oh, well.

As usual with the Classified line’s bigger rifles, the ammo cartridge is removable.

Overall, hands down, easily the best figure in the wave! I really love the sculptwork and details on this figure! The weapons and accessories are all new for the line and really bring back the old school feels for this fan favorite Joe. I think this figure is my favorite Joe character release so far.
Funfact: Outback’s oddball Hasbro codename in the Classified series is Deimos.

G.i. Joe Classified # 63 Lt. Falcon
Vincent Falcone is a second generation Green Beret. Highly skilled and highly trained, Lt. Falcon is proficient in demolitions and several types of small-arms. In the 1986 G.i. Joe movie, he is the half-brother of Duke and occasionally acts irresponsibly, resulting in several set backs for the G.i. Joe team.

Sigh… this is probably the worst head sculpt in the entire series for the Classified line so far. Really, really bad. What the heck happened??

Falcon comes with a removable neckerchief.
He comes with his iconic radio backpack. Too bad the radio can’t be removed like how it was with the 25th Anniversary 3.75″ version.
Falcon’s knife can be sheathed into the backpack.

Too bad he doesn’t come with any side-arms. He just comes with a shotgun.

The stock of the weapon can be folded up or folded out.

Supposedly, in the original draft of the 1986 movie, Lt. Falcon was supposed to be General Hawk’s son (explaining the Avian-themed codenames). He was supposed to replace Duke to lead the team as field commander after the events of the movie. A Sunbow era season 3 was planned (you’ve probably seen the stock footages from the toy commercials) and would’ve (probably) been comprised of characters from the 1988 catalogue (Outback, Fast Draw and more). It would’ve been similar with how Rodimus Prime replaced Optimus, but the plan was eventually scrapped after the backlash from Optimus Prime’s “death”. The G.i. Joe series would then be produced under DIC studios.
Overall, probably the worst figure in the wave, mainly due to the horrible head sculpt. Hasbro really dropped the ball here. Falcon looks really bad compared to how well the rest of the line’s face sculpts are in comparison. I’ll probably end up using a Peter Parker head on him, if I can get a spare one cheap. The shotgun is also a bit cumbersome to equip on this figure due to its length. Easily the weakest figure in the wave.
Funfact: Lt. Falcon’s oddball Hasbro codename in the Classified series is Mimas.

Wave 13 partial wave (I didn’t get Crimson B.A.T. and Mad Marauders Barbecue).
