G.i. Joe Classified Series 24 Cobra Infantry
24 Cobra Infantry
Originally released as the “Cobra “Trooper” as part of the Cobra Island Target exclusive wave, Hasbro decided to reissue the figure after collector clamor, this time minus some accessories and being renamed as “Cobra Infantry” to prevent confusion.
The figure itself is a straight up redeco of the Cobra Trooper, with a darker skin tone and some differences in the uniform’s color pattern (black chest on the Target Exclusive ones).
This time around the shin guards look more purposeful and don’t stand out too much, so I’m leaving them in their default position.
His helmet is removable, rumor has it, this head is supposed to be repurposed as Storm Shadow? Let’s see.
The Cobra Infantry comes with two sidearms, both can be holstered in two locations.

Dual wield!

The Infantry also comes with a little knife
Yeeesh, I think Hasbro blunted the knife too much. It looks a bit silly from some angles.
Lastly the Infantry comes with a large rifle.
The rifle can be pegged onto the back of his vest.

Overall, it’s not too shabby. I still prefer the Cobra Viper and/or the Cobra Trooper but this guy has a lot of good things about it as well (mainly, it’s more accessible to get). The missing accessories from the Cobra Island Trooper (goggles, red arm band, entirely different set of rifles) does make the figure a bit inferior to the earlier release, but it’s not a big issue (for me anyway, since I’ve resigned myself to cherry pick this line). I’m just happy they re-released this mold for fans to army build.
*Note: Cobra Infantry was cased in a wave alongside Zartan and variant Roadblock and variant Scarlett.