G.i. Joe Club Exclusive Ninja Force and the Transformers – Ninja Force Scarlett

This figure comes from the Joe Club’s Ninja Force and the Transformers boxset. I didn’t feel like spending the cash for another Legends Class Megatron and another Cobra Commander so I went with picking up Ninja Force Scarlett and Dr. Biggles-Jones separately off Ebay.
I have to say, I am impressed with the Joe Club’s resourcefulness and getting a Ninja Scalett out using existing parts. I’m not too crazy about the use of the Renegades Scarlett head. I would have preferred the Joe Resolute version head, but it is what it is.
The Katanas are hard to pull out of the sheathes, so be careful.
She also comes with claw weapons (these always remind me of the old Marvel Super Heroes Wolverine from Kenner)
And nunchukus
Well.. with this, we are one step closer to completing the Ninja Force.
Snake Eyes (DIC based style) from Dollar Store Exclusive series 1.
Storm Shadow (DIC based style) from Dollar Store Exclusive series 1
Storm Shadow as T’Gin-Zu from Dollar Store Exclusive series 2
T’jbang from the Joecon 2014 Zombie Initiative boxset
Nunchuck from the FSS 4.0 (wave 1 with Law and Order)
So we still need Dojo (coming in FSS 6.0), Banzai and Bushido to complete the original Ninja Force team.
Parting shot, you actually don’t need to get this figure if you’re going for the DIC style Ninja Force, the Scarlett from the 2pack with General Hawk fits the bill better. This version of Scarlett actually follows the Marvel Comics version.