G.i. Joe Cobra Legion 2017 3pack (S.A.W. Viper, Cobra B.A.T. & Female Cobra Officer)

S.A.W. Viper
This is an updated version of the S.A.W. Viper, it comes a smaller vest (the last one seemed too big and cumbersome), but unfortunately, the color scheme is too violet as opposed to the more purple version of the original vintage figure and the JoeCon 2013 version.

S.A.W. Viper from the 2013 JoeCon Nocturnal Fire (Night Force) boxset.

Heavy guns

The S.A.W. Viper is infamous for it’s first appearance in the old Marvel Comics G.i. Joe run, as the first ever Cobra agent to kill 4 Joes (plus 3 more in the succeeding chase). This happened in issues 109-110.
A strike force lead by Lt. Falcon and Duke are captured in an ambush. Thanks to a miscommunication from Cobra Commander on how to deal with the situation, the Crimson Twins order a S.A.W. Viper to kill the Joes who were thrown down a ditch.
The list of team members who died in the botched Op
-Doc (Shot in the face, first to die)
-Thunder (died shielding the other Joes from oncoming bullets)
-Crankcase (died shielding the other Joes from oncoming bullets)
-Heavy Metal (died shielding the other Joes from oncoming bullets)
-Quick Kick (died when pursuing Cobra troops lead by SAW Viper blew up the Joes’ getaway vehicle)
-Breaker (died when pursuing Cobra troops lead by SAW Viper blew up the Joes’ getaway vehicle)
-Crazy Legs (died when pursuing Cobra troops lead by SAW Viper blew up the Joes’ getaway vehicle)
-Duke (Survived the mission when Cobra Commander called off the chase)
-Lt. Falcon (Survived the mission when Cobra Commander called off the chase)
-Cross Country (Survived the mission when Cobra Commander called off the chase)
Yeeeehaw! Like shooting fish in a barrel!!
Cobra B.A.T.
This Battle Android Trooper is a repaint from the earlier versions. Nothing new has been added apart from the color scheme.
The spare “non-damaged” chest plate is included.
Blowtorch arm
Claw arm
Laser arm
Sidearm weapon
Cobra Officer
There was actually a female Cobra officer that appeared in the Sunbow cartoons, Destro had a moment with her and this caused Baroness to become very jealous. This figure somewhat matches that character, except for the baggie pants.
She also comes with a backpack similar to Firefly’s and has landmines which can be plugged into the backpack.

She comes with standard issue Cobra infantry rifle.
I kind of wish they went with more feminine “leg” parts here. As is, they seem way too baggie (parachute pants?) and throw off the proportions of the figure. I do like that it can hold the pistol, silencer, knife and explosive, but the trade-off doesn’t seem quite correct.
The Joe Club has released a 3 pack of Cobra Female troopers, those seem better-proportioned, but are a bit expensive.

I was originally thinking of army building some of these guys, but having one set in hand, the whole thing now kind of leaves me cold. I guess the purple color of the S.A.W. Viper plus the odd choice of pants for the Female figure just throw me off. Maybe if I come across these on sale later on. But for now, it’s a nay for me.