G.i. Joe DVD Battle Packs ~ The Weather Dominator
-Lady Jaye
-Weather Dominator

Inner tray
MASS device part stored in the back.
Lady Jaye with Single pack Lady Jaye
For some reason, the figure makes me think of her as a dude, the lack of lipstick perhaps?
Road block with vines.
With Roadblock from the 5 pack.
Destro the Enemy!

Destro with single pack Destro
Destro’s Weapons of Mass Destruction.
The Weather Dominator can be disassembled into 3 pieces (not counting the chair).
Weather Dominator control panel.
MASS device part
Different filecards.
Original 5 pack Destro
DVD boxset Destro (Destro’s joined Gijoe?????!!!) ROTFLMAO. 😀
Lady Jaye

Road Block (I think this is the most toon accurate colored Roadblock yet)
