G.i. Joe Figure Subscription Service 7.0 Wave 1 Treadmark & Ice Viper Officer

Originally named Skidmark in the vintage line, I’m guessing they decided to change his name to make it less embarrassing (skidmark nowadays tends to mean a brown streak in one’s underwear caused by improperly wiped excrement). He never appeared in the cartoons but was briefly seen in the Sunbow Studios animated commercials for Marvel Comics.
With the vintage figure.
He comes with a knife and a pistol, but has no place to sheathe or holster either.
He also comes with a rifle.
I’m really glad the Joe Club gave this guy some weapons. The vintage figure didn’t come with anything.
With the Desert Fox
I was really apprehensive at first to get this vehicle, since vintage vehicles rarely have the leg room to sit most Modern Era figures. But I took a chance on it and I’m glad Treadmark fits. It’s a bit of a tight fit due to the vest pressing against the steering wheel, but workable.

Ice Viper Officer
I was originally not going to open this figure, since I rarely get officers and I was already satisfied with 3 Ice Vipers from the Cobra Wolves, but then I saw the filecard on this guy and it turns out they listed his real name down? So he’s a unique fellow? Long story short, I went with it, so eventually this guy will be standing next to the likes of Zartan one day on my Cobra high command display.
From what I understand, the concept for this figure was originally released way back in 2007, through the Joe Club as a two pack with Snow Serpent Commander, as part of Operation Flaming M.O.T.H.
His sais are really hard to slot onto the sides of his legs, I just gave up.
I never really got why Ice Vipers came with sais. Not as if they’re ninjas.
He comes with snow shoes.
Blue walkie-talkie, cute.
For some reason, the silver part on the back of my figure’s belt is all sticky.
Lastly, he comes with a machine gun. Sadly he does not come with the pistol that came with the regular Ice Vipers from the 50th Anniversary Cobra Wolf set.
