G.i. Joe Figure Subscription Service 7.0 Wave 6 Tiger Force Jinx & Stalker

Tiger Force Jinx
It’s often advertised that the G.i. Joe Tiger Force is comprised of the toughest members of the G.i. Joe team. It seems that the only female member of the Tiger Force team lineup (I guess Scarlet, Cover Girl and Lady Jaye weren’t tough enough?), Jinx is also the only ninja member of the team (I guess Snake Eyes and the whole Ninja Force crew weren’t tough enough either?)
Jinx is a redeco of the 2012 SDCC exclusive figure based on her classic Tiger Force figure.
She comes with her vintage toy staff.
She also comes with her katana blades. It’s a shame she doesn’t come with the blindfold accessory that came with the FSS version of the figure.
One of the original thirteen Joe team members, Stalker gets an updated look later on in the line. This version also appeared in the early DIC era cartoons and is also nicknamed “Tundra Stalker”.
He comes with his rifle.
And a bolo… for chopping ice? Seems like an odd tool to have in the arctic. Is that really how it’s done? It’s usually used in jungles.
His cap is removable. Too bad the pistol on his vest is not removable though.
His biggest accessory is obviously the kayak, I think it’s a straight up reissue of the vintage one?
Since it seems to be a reissue of the vintage kayak, “Modern Era tooling” Stalker can’t really fit all the way in due to his longer legs.
While Stalker was never really one of my favorites (he got so little screen time on the Sunbow cartoons), I do remember being really impressed with his toy back when I was a kid. It was easily the biggest accessory on a carded figure out there. I’m really glad the Joe Club decided to make this guy. Looking at it really brings back so many nice memories of trips to the toyshop.
