G.i. Joe Figure Subscription Service 8.0 13th figure Banzai

Banzai, the final 13th figure in the FSS line, I can’t believe it’s been 8 crazy waves of Figure Subscribing and it all comes down to this guy (not counting the Final 12, I know). Easily not the most requested Joe character around but at least his release completes the Ninja Force team (yay?). His head is a reuse of one of the Storm Shadow heads.
His sais can be sheathed on the loops on his belt.

While Bushido is the Ninja Force’s cold weather combat specialist, Banzai is the team’s expert on fighting in hot climates.
Ninja Force assemble!!
Snake Eyes (DIC based style) from Dollar Store Exclusive series 1.
Storm Shadow (DIC based style) from Dollar Store Exclusive series 1
Storm Shadow as T’Gin-Zu from Dollar Store Exclusive series 2
T’jbang from the Joecon 2014 Zombie Initiative boxset
Nunchuck from the FSS 4.0 (wave 1 with Law and Order)
Ninja Scarlet from the G.i. Joe and Transformers boxset.
Dojo from FSS 6.0 (wave 2 with Captain Skip)
Bushido from FSS 8.0 (wave 6 with Blizzard)