G.i. Joe FSS 3.0 Month 1 (Psyche-Out and Repeater)

It’s a shame this Psyche-Out doesn’t come with the gear that came with the JoeCon 2013 Night Force. The black plastic doesn’t really work well here. I guess we can always swap them around but that’s a problem for those without the Night Force version.

“Paranoia-inducing low frequency radio wave gear”… so that’s what his stuff is, I never could figure out what that was when I was younger. .

Thanks to his vest, attaching his backpack is a real pain.
Just like Psyche-Out, Repeater’s gear is not accurate to his vintage stuff. To get the right look you will have to again, switch his gear with the Night Force version. Tsk…

Still I love this figure. Repeater was always one of the Joes I used to wish I had as kid, probably because he looks more militaristic than “Village People”-ish. .
