G.i. Joe FSS Figure Subscription Service 5.0 Wave 5 ( Z Force Gaucho & Shattered Glass Xamot)

Hmm… these are the two figures that really didn’t strike me as must haves for this wave. It’s ironic that they’re bundled togther.
I get that this Gung ho repaint is based on the classic UK figure under the Palitoy Action Force line, but I just can’t justify opening a figure that looks exactly like another guy, I wish they had modified some part of him to make it less painfully obvious.

As for Xamot, this version is based on the Shattered Glass one, where he’s a bit insane and “imagines” he has a twin brother called Tomax. The Club has said it plans to release Tomax if they can make FSS 7.0, but until then I’m not opening this one. Since I’m not sure where to put him. He sure can’t lead Cobra CG troops wearing a 3 piece suit.
