G.i. Joe JoeCon 2018 Slaughter’s Renegades 3 pack (Marauders colors)


The stands for all of the Marauders are apparently molded in dark brown plastic.
Out of all of the Renegades, Mercer is by far my favorite, since he has the coolest backstory (he’s an ex-Cobra Viper).
“I hate Cobra”

He also comes with the classic Cobra Viper rifle.

Plus a shotgun.
Red Dog
The big Samoan was supposedly ejected from Pro Football for unnecessary roughness. Still don’t see how he qualifies to join an elite team like G.i. Joe.
His pistol can be holstered on his hip.

He also comes with a rifle.
Too bad he doesn’t come with a backpack like the vintage non-Marauders figure though.
Last but not least, he comes with a football.
Of the three original Renegades, Taurus is the only guy sporting new gear after joining the Marauders team. Go figure, but I think he looks way better than the previous version from the BBTS 7 pack.
He comes with a pistol which can be holstered on his side.

He also comes with a rifle.

Last but not least, he comes with his scimitar, he used to work in the circus …
The original Renegades are back!
