G.i. Joe Retaliation Wave 1
Last but not least, got this blue Cobra Commander from Greenhills months ago,I forgot the name of the shop but they only had one piece, so it was a lucky find.
G.i. Joe Retaliation Roadblock
This is the first time I’ve seen Joe figures that come with instructions in a long time.
I still don’t get the point of this silly fixed right hand.
Weapon accessory
Awkward.. just silly and awkward. Hasbro should’ve just given us a normal hand forget the launcher weapon… The pop out gimmicks don’t work that great anyway.
Energy blade?
Of course, the real reason to get this figure is for customizing with SDCC Sgt. Slaughter.
A simple headswap and presto!
Popping out the right hand is easy, guess I’ll have to get the Roadblock figure from the 3pack to make this work. Sigh…
But for now… Guess Sarge is stuck gripping that weird thing like his life depended on it.

Now THIS is the Sgt. Slaughter we’ve been wanting since the 25th line.
G.i. Joe Retaliation Cobra Trooper

I’m not really sure what his weapon is supposed to do. Looks weird though.

Parachute harness.
I love that the chute is so freaking huge! For some strange reason, I’ve always wanted to have a Cobra logo this big, that wasn’t printed on a T-shirt.
The package comes with instructions on how to deploy the chute, it works great! 🙂
My only real complaint is that it is hard to make this figure stand! Really missing those display stands right now Hasbro!
G.i. Joe Retaliation Cobra Red Ninjas

Even though he doesn’t come with a sheath for the swords, you can use his harness as a replacement.

I didn’t bother setting up the zipline.

G.i. Joe Retaliation G.i. Joe Trooper.

This figure is so freaking AWESOME! It comes with so much gear, it’s ridiculous!

All of which can be mounted on his backpack, except for one rifle.
The hairstyle sculpt pays some homage to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare hero, Soap Mactavish, the helmet pays homage to the Halo Series design.
I am so glad the local supply got the variant tan-colored tarp and mask instead of the awful blue one variation, this works better for desert themed battles.
Two knives, with sheathes!
Two handguns
Two more handguns!
Sniper Rifle
Grenade launcher
Hands down! Best Joe Trooper yet!!
Gi Joe Retaliation Ninja Dojo set
I decided to get this, since I really needed Roadblocks’ right hand for Sgt. Slaughter. I prefer the Kamakura from the ROC line though.
G.i. Joe Retaliation Showdown set 3pack
I actually got this set to make a Dice figure from Ninja Force, but now that we have the FSS version… kind of a moot point …