G.i. Joe Rise of Cobra ~ Cobra Dreadnok Monkeywrench

Comes with the Cobra Eels’ rifle
A straight up repaint of Outback’s head, this sculpt is nowhere near like the cartoon face and the vintage toy (where’s his trident-rifle??)
The Dreadnoks!
Waitaminute…Chuck Norris???
Ahh… the ever popular “Chuck Norris is a tough guy” jokes.
-Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.
-When the boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
-Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that’s why there are no signs of life there.
-Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.
-If you want a list of Chuck Norris’ enemies, just check the extinct species list.
-Chuck Norris’ tears can cure cancer; too bad he has never cried.
-Darth Vader dresses up as Chuck Norris for Halloween.
-Some kids piss their names in the snow. Chuck Norris can piss his name in concrete.
-There is no ‘Ctrl’ button on Chuck Norris’ computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
From here: