Ghostbusters Fright Features figures
Wave 1
Peter Venkman
Ray Stanz
Egon Spengler
Winston Zeddmore
A variant for Winston comes with a Slimer. I only discovered this recently and wasn’t able to add Slimer to the photos.
Wave 2
Phoebe Spengler
Trevor Spengler
Lucky Domingo
Peter Venkman
The “mouth” of the Ghostbusters. Peter Venkman is a fast-talking smart-mouth that could probably pass for a professional con artist. Despite this, he makes a great leader for the team, who often find themselves on the wrong end of bureaucracy from City Hall.

Just like with the old Kenner Real Ghostbusters figures, the Proton Packs plug into the figures’ backs.
Since the wave 1 figures all share the same body mold, Peter’s boots are tucked in (they’re usually tucked out in the movies).
I don’t recommend hooking up the Neutrona Wand to the pack like this, it will probably warp the soft plastic over time. Better to just hook it up with the handle down.

Every Ghostbuster comes with an unnamed ghost that comes with an action feature.

Ray Stanz
The “heart” of the team, Ray’s child-like exuberance for his work may make him seem naive, but when trouble comes, Ray’s always ready to bust some ghost!

Another unnamed ghost, a simple redeco of the same ghost that came with Peter.

Egon Spengler
The “brains” of the group, Egon (along with Ray) developed the technology and gadgetry that allowed the Ghostbusters to trap and store ghosts.

Winston Zeddmore
The “everyman” of the group, Winston is calm and collected. Thanks to wisdom acquired from his various occupations before joining up, he often serves as the voice of reason when things really start to go off the handle. He also considers himself the “sex appeal” of the group.

Winston’s ghost is a redeco of the one that came with Egon (good grief, Hasbro).
“We’re ready to believe you”.

Since wave 2 was only released locally in very limited numbers, I was very, very fortunate to complete the set weeks after the movie released (it took two malltrips to the north of the country to find Podcast and Lucky). I won’t be opening the kids since having both waves 1 and 2 together screws up the display timeline. So carded they will remain.