Hasbro Ares Series (Wal-Mart Exclusive)
-Heroes Reborn Ironman
-Human Torch
-Scarlet Spider
-Ultimate War Machine
Marvel Legends Ares wave.
Crossbones is a decent figure(a retool of Young Avenger’s Hulking)
He comes with weapons that came with the Hydra Soldier.

Human Torch is a retooled version of the Torch from the BAF Ronan wave. I like the new head sculpt though.

Vindicator is also another retool, using the Quicksilver body.

Spiderman (Ben Reily version). Very nice headsculpt but I wished they used a darker shade of blue for the body.

Vision is a retool of the Silver Surfer body (hmm I’m beginning to see a pattern here).
He is more proportional compared to the Toybiz Version though.

Heroes Reborn Ironman, based on the art of Wilce Portacio.
An original sculpt, but it would’ve been better if they had kept the metallic red finish instead of the dull red we see here.
Ultimate War Machine.

I was expecting a James Rhodes head but the helmet was glued on. To my surprise, here’s the reason why:
They just reused the Tony Stark head! Shame Hasbro… Shame. At least they painted part of the hair.
Kang(the darker colored one on the right) here is a reissue of the Toybiz Kang, but in darker colors. Some of the joints feel somewhat loose. I prefer the Toybiz version.

Ares Wave
Ares himself comes with a helmet, a short sword and a broadsword.
With the Walmart wave Thor. I’m still waiting to see a showdown with these two again (Thor beat the Ares senseless in the past before Ares was an Avenger). Sadly, it will never happen now that Sentry killed Ares.