Hasbro Hulk Classics – Fin Fang Foom Series

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Hasbro Hulk Classics – Fin Fang Foom Series

-Absorbing Man
-Doc Samson
-Hulk (The End)
-King Hulk
-Savage grey Hulk
-Skaar, Son of Hulk

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulk series Fin Fang Foom.

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Wave 1 (based on Bigbadtoystore’s listings)

Wave 2

The Hulk – Fin Fang Foom series is one of the hotly anticipated lines from Hasbro’s freshly launched Marvel Legends series after taking over the reigns from Toybiz.

King Hulk

Some parts are from the Hasbro ML1 “gladiator” hulk. With a new head, and taller legs.

Pretty good figure, it’s almost as tall as the Face-Off Hulk.

The End Hulk.

I don’t really know what his story is since I didn’t read the “The End” books but he’s supposed to be the last “man” on Earth, usually spends his days fighting mutant cockroaches.

Skarr, son of Holku.

Another newly introduced character, not too much is known from him other than the fact that he grew rapidly from a ball of cells of Hulk and his wife, Caiera.


A mysterious creature said to posses men.

With the Sasquatch repainted variant from Toybiz.

She Hulk.
Easliy the worst figure of the bunch. She’s really small compared to the previous release and the head sculpt is terrible. It’s too bad she’s the only figure that’s one per case.

For those curious what she’s wearing beneath the “apron”.

I’m pretty sure someone out there will try to customize this into body tooling into MaryJane Watson or one of the female Marvel characters

The Absorbing Man

Nothing really special about this one, I prefer the old Hulk Classics AM.

Ball and chain. Yeah, the old Toybiz did this accessory way better.

Doc Leonard Samson.

Like his namesake, Doc here loses his powers when his hair is cut. But generally he’s pretty strong and nearly invunerable. (Thanks to Gamma radiation).

Last but not least, the Savage Hulk. Totally brutal and hates all of Banner’s friends and loved ones, even Betty Ross.

With Joe Fixit (the criminal persona of Hulk)

With the other Hulks.

Well, here he is, the main star of this line. Fin Fang Foom!

He’s actually an alien from the planet Kakaranathara/ Maklu IV.

If I remember right, the FFF was originally designed by the Toybiz crew way before Hasbro took over the line.

The details and sculpting are very good.

Opening Jaw.

Double elbow joints

As expected, Fin Fang Foom is very big.

Some fun with Fin Fang Foom.

Take a picture with a defeated alien dragon.

Just for laughs…


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