HL Pro Grendizer King Gori

Created by Vegan Defense Minister Dantus, King Gori is the first Vega Beast created (Episode 52), meant to replace the Saucer Beasts. Vega Beasts are incredible stronger creatures, capable of effortlessly damaging Grendizer, such as King Gori easily tearing Grendizer’s arm off in the early seconds of their first encounter.
The figure features some ratchet joints, but only in the shoulders and elbows, the knees are just regular hinges and the ankle and groin joints are ball joints.
King Gori stands roughly 7 inches tall and weighs an impressive 559 Grams in weight.
Diecast parts include:
-Entire torso
-Lower legs
I can’t tell if the thighs and biceps are metal since they are covered in flock. I couldn’t do a touch test.
Weigh-ins for previous HL Pro Grendizer enemies:
-Gin Gin – 258 Grams
-Goru Goru -350 Grams
-Giru Giru- 264 Grams
Seemingly unstoppable due to his strong body armor, King Gori becomes even more of a threat because of direction given remotely by the brilliant Dantus. The heroes were only finally able to defeat King Gori when Dantus was betrayed and murdered by Gandal and Zuril. who wanted to secure their position in the Vegan hierarchy (as usual), leaving King Gori without anyone giving commands. Grendizer was finally able to defeat the now mindless beast with his Double Harken.

With the HL Pro Grendizer (Anime Colors blister pack version)
During their first encounter, King Gori immediate surprises Grendizer and catches him off guard, knocking the latter on the ground and proceeding to yank his left arm off with little effort.

The set also comes with a sleeve for Grendizer’s bicep, this is to simulate the battle damage from his first encounter with King Gori. Just simply take out the forearm and slide the sleeve into the bicep.

Out of 74 episodes, King Gori is the only enemy to seriously damage Grendizer in the series. Other opponents can rarely even crack Grendizer’s armor, this guy tore Grendy’s arm off in seconds! Which is why he stands out from the others.
Overall, it’s not bad, but not great. The sculpt work is kind of mediocre, particularly the head. I’ve seen better work on a cake topper. I can’t say for sure if it’s the due to the sculpt really, or just from the unimpressive paint, particularly with the teeth? It falls a bit short compared to the previous HL Pro offerings. The price point also varies, I’ve seen the prices online for this guy and he seems to be all over the place, with some online sellers offering it as high as $200? I was fortunate that my local go-to shop here in Manila was offering this at more reasonable prices.
The good news is that this guy is heavy. It has good weight and some ratchet joints. I think this is the heaviest offering from HL Pro so far? The flock is a nice touch and I am fairly sure this is the first time I’ve had a diecast figure with flock on it. Maybe that’s the reason why the price is so high? No idea. But it does capture the “feel” of real fur on this primate mecha.
I think it’s a good addition to the HL Pro Grendizer enemies lineup if you’re collecting them. It’s far from perfect but it is something I highly doubt any other high-profile toy company would get around to making.
