Ironman Armored Avenger series Concept HulkBuster Armor Ironman
This new “Hulkbuster” is simply a repaint of the previously released “Subterranean Armor”, “Heavy Artillery Armor”, “Artic Crusader Armor” Ironman…. With a new helmet! LOL 🙂

Iron Man MK V Evolution Armor
Iron Man MK IV Stealth Strike Armor
Simple straight-up repaint of the MK V armor. I sort of got this just to complete the 6” concept line.

Iron Man MK IV Stealth Strike Armor
Originally revealed to be “Awesome Stealth Armor” on the net, I’m glad changed the name.
A simple, straight-up repaint of the MK IV, I actually liked this one. Must be due to the base sculpt of this figure being really good. 🙂
Hasbro standard issue missile launcher (geez… you’d the mold for it would’ve been worn down by now)
