King of Braves Gaogaigar Final Blu Ray

The inner cover art features the busted up Gaofighgar from episode 04
The back is the same as the outer packaging backside.

Again, the destruction of Gaofighgar.

Menu is again features the destruction of the Gaofighgar (lol… what, they couldn’t find an image of Genesic?)
There’s a lot special features here. It even has the new Gaogaigar Final Fusion cut scene from the Pachinko games, plus a lot of video material. Too bad it doesn’t have any toy commercials this time, unlike the TV series Blu Ray set.
Overall, this is definitely still one of the best Super Robot OVAs out there. 20+ years since it came out, the animation quality still holds. I’m just really, really happy to finally get to own the full remastered series on Blu Ray. It’s too bad we don’t get all the cool non-video “bonuses” that came with the original Japanese boxset release (extra figures and art books), but it is what it is. Thanks again Discotek, for porting this epic series over.