Marvel Legends Across the Spider-Verse Spider-man 2099

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Marvel Legends Across the Spider-Verse Spider-man 2099

Hailing from futuristic Earth-928, Miguel O’ Hara operates as that Earth’s Spider-man. Eventually Miguel becomes the leader of the Spider-Society, a team of various Spider-men from across the Multiverse. After being traumatized by being the cause of destruction of one of the alternate realities by interfering with a “Canon Event”, Miguel forbids other members of the Spider-Society from interacting with Earth-1610’s Miles Morales to allow his Canon Event (the death of Miles’ father) to take place and prevent the possible chain reaction damage to the rest of the Multiverse.

The figure is a reissue of the previously released Spider-man 2099, this time with a darker, more screen accurate shade of blue and an unmasked Miguel O’ Hara head.

Miguel’s costume in the movie is seemingly digital or holographic, as his mask can be removed without having it pulled off. In the comics the suit was created from unstable molecules. Miguel had originally fashioned his outfit for Day of the Dead, before eventually deciding to use it as a uniform while he fights crime.

Since I passed up on opening the previous Across the Spider-Verse Spidey 2099 figure, I never really got to appreciate the sculpted details on the figure until now.

The previous release came with cape. Looks like they dropped that accessory here, that’s a shame.

Unmasked Miguel O’ Hara head.

Lol… so his head shrinks when the mask is on? Is that how it goes? Heh, probably not.

Also new to this figure (not included in the original “Across the Spider-Verse” Spider-man 2099 figure) is the Multiverse Watch on Miguel’s left wrist. It also serves as a way to open portals to access the Spider-Society HQ.

Aside from the alternate head and Multiverse Watch, the set only offers extra hands.

Spider-man 2099’s forearms come with some crazy blades on their sides. I can’t recall if he actually uses these to slice stuff up, but they’re definitely much larger than that of his comic counterpart’s.

Spider-man 2099 shoots red laser web lines called “Smart Webs” from the red areas of his tech suit. It’s not quite clear if Spidey 2099 still requires webs to swing around the city, as his suit generates anti-gravity particles, which allows him to glide through the air for faster travel.

Interestingly, Miguel seems to be much larger than Peter in the movie? I never quite noticed it until now. I wonder if the scale for these figures is accurate?

Overall, definitely an improvement over the previous release. I just wish it came with more accessories this time. I would love it if they gave him red laser “Smart Webs” for accessories! But nope… Hasbro cheaped out. Sigh..


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