Marvel Legends Alpha Flight 6-pack

Heather McNeill Hudson is the wife of the original Vindicator, James Hudson. For a time she lead the team when her husband died (he got bettter).

I gotta say, I am worried the plastic will prematurely yellow. I think we might have to all paint the white parts of this figure down the road when it does.
Speaking of paint, sigh… wish Hasbro did something about this. Terrible to look at.
Her ponytail can be moved left or right.

Her powers come from her suit, which originally belonging to her husband, which is powered by electromagnetic waves. The suit granted supersonic flight, generate force fields and can fire electromagnetic beams. Heather has no powers of her own but is a skilled martial artist and strategist
Michael Twoyoungmen is a full-fledged medical doctor and was the best surgeon in Canada in the comics. He is also a magic-wielder who can summon anything he needs from his medicine bag, from physical to mystical objects.

His medicine bag doesn’t open, unfortunately.

Narya is descended from a race of native Canadian gods. She has the ability to morph into any animal native to Canada. She also possesses superhuman strength and durability and limited flight. Snowbird also has the ability to momentarily control others.

If you still have the old Toybiz Marvel Legends variant white Sasquatch from the Apocalypse wave, that was actually Snowbird (not Wendigo).
Eugene Judd was originally a guy with no real powers but had exceptional martial arts and gymnastics training. His body was later on genetically modified and he gained increased strength, speed and agility.
Puck stands roughly 3.6 inches tall. He shares parts with the previously released BAF puck but the head is a new sculpt, featuring Eugene smiling (the figure had serious-looking face for the BAF version).

Jeannie-Marie Beaubier and her brother Northstar are the only mutant members of Alpha Flight. She possesses the ability to fly at great speeds and even possibly at the speed of light. She can also move at blinding speeds fast enough to generate cyclones and she has enhanced durability.

While she is incredibly powerful, she is somewhat of an introvert and suffers from dissociative identity disorder as a result of physical and mental abuse during her childhood, she actually has a second extroverted personality that sometimes takes over.
Sigh.. annoyingly, my Aurora came with some plastic mold defects on her face (you can see some lines on her face). Grr… luck of the draw.
You can actually swap around Aurora’s hands with Vindicator to make perfect sets of open and closed hands.
Jean-Paul Beaubier is Aurora’s twin brother. Possessing the same mutant gene, he has roughly the same speed and flight powers as his sister, but while she can fly for longer periods of time, he can fly faster. He has also received martial arts training from Puck.

Northstar is also the first major, openly gay character in Marvel Comics. He is also the first character to have a same-sex wedding in main stream comics.

When the twins are in physical contact with each other, they can generate a blinding blast of light equivalent to a million candles.

The team

Sadly, I didn’t have time to dig out Sasquatch and Vindicator. They were stored in a deep section of storage and I didn’t feel like lifting heavy boxes at the time. I’ll have to update this group shot later on down the road.
Interesting to note, the full roster for Alpha Flight isn’t complete yet in Marvel Legends form, we still need Marrina and Talisman to wrap up the team.
